Montreal, Canada
2009 Montreal Guitar Show
Ryan showing his new "FV Premiere" Guitar
Ryan's wife, Chelsie, is on the right
Dr. Dave wrote the following review of the 2009 Montreal Guitar Show. With many great luthiers attending from around the world attending, Dave gave Ryan's guitars the following accolade:"The assortment of archtop guitars was staggering (e.g. Manzer, Benedetto, Monteleone, Ribbecke, Graf etc.), but I was particularly taken with those of Ryan Thorell. Not only did the Thorell instrument make my playing sound good, but in the hands of Frank Vignola, the instrument absolutely sings. Mr. VIgnola’s concert was a highlight of the show for me, topped only by the opportunity to chat with him and discover what a really nice person he is."
(The following comment was posted by Dr. Dave on July 24th, 2009 in response to his Monday, July6th, 2009 post which is linked below):
"I was so impressed with the Thorell guitars the first time I played them that I had to return to try them again to be sure my brain was not fooling with my ears. There were many great archtop guitars at the show but I found the Thorells to be something really special. The guitars certainly made my playing sound better, which did it for me, but listening to others play them I could really hear that full, rich timbre in all its glory. Last, but certainly not least for most guitarists, these beautiful instruments are AFFORDABLE - even for musicians.
You don’t have to be Frank Vignola to sound great playing one of these guitars. And of course, when you think that he switched to a Thorell from a Benedetto it tells you that these are some of the finest sounding guitars out there."
Thanks again Dave for your kind comments! Praise from someone as knowledgeable as you means a great deal to any young luthier. By the way, I know that Bob Benedetto is one of Ryan's heros along with luthiers like Tom Ribbecke and John Buscarino.
Here is the link to Dave's review of the Montreal Guitar Show I quoted. (especially read paragraph 4 and the end):
***Check out some of Ryan's new archtop guitars which Dr. Dave reviewed as being "something really special":