Link to Buy "Standards" and Listen to samples of the music:
Dr. Dave Walker Reviews Frank's new CD, "Standards", played with his Thorell "FV" Guitar: http://davewalkermusic.com/page2/FV_Standards_Review.html


Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 7:42 PM
Subject: quick update on #5 frank vignola
hi ryan,i'm loving this guitar... i mean this work of art. no lying, once its in my hands, i play for hours. it plays like a champ, effortless and easy. the sounds i'm getting out of this compact body are amazing. it puts out more sound than my 18" arch. but, it's the tone, the unbelievable sweet voice of this siren, that mesmerizes me. it's beautiful to look at, a pleasure to play, and a treat for the ears. you hit a home run with this one. this guitar is way above my ability level, i feel lucky to own it. i'd like to thank you again, for building this extraordinary instrument for me.
all the best, eric
2. The following link from "The Gear Page" gives a description of the "FV" Guitar - Scroll down to about the ninth article:
3. Review of a Frank Vignola Show in St. Louis on Saturday, May 16, 2009. Frank was playing his "FV" guitar: http://www.raulmalo.com/forum/index.php?topic=77569.0
4. A complimentary statement made about the "FV" Guitar in a forum in "the Gear Page":
"High-end is Tom Ribbecke's Testadura. . For myself .....I am going to dream about the Frank Vingola signature model tonight. Go to http://www.destroyallguitars.com/ and drool."
5. "FV" Guitar being played by someone on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Yd4k6EABBM
6. Jazz Guitar Forum - August 2011 - on "FV" Guitar: http://www.jazzguitar.be/forum/guitar-amps-gizmos/16795-frank-vignola-guitar-envy.html